The insular man

The thousand-year old history of the island is marked with continuous and tireless work of the people who reside there. Their diligent hands worked tirelessly on barren land turning every stone hundreds of times to be able to draw as many fruits of the earth from it as possible and by doing so, managed to survive to this very day. The insular man (bodul) planted many food crops in the very rocky and barely arable land. Boduls did the same when planting olive trees. If you visit our apartments you, as well, will be given the opportunity to walk numerous olive orchards, which surround most of the places on the island. Olive trees are planted in fields that are prepared for them by tireless hands of islander people. The trees stand strong for centuries already, defying the strong ghusts of wind. Sea salt, carried by the wind, etches itself in the bark of the tree and leaves a mark on the olive itself which sort of looks like a message from nature. Walking along the paths from our apartment Markas you will come to the olive fields. If you go with the palm of your hand along the bark of the tree, you will feel how etched and rugged it feels. Nature has been merciless towards the trees. But it still bears fruit and continues to provide for it loyal owners and it will go on with doing so for many future generations. Fruits of the olive trees are a genuine treasure from which olive oil is made. Olive oil is very appreciated and very important in the history of the islanders. It was used as currency and was used for trade. It is known that olive oil is very beneficial, and that is why many use it for medicinal purposes. For your vacation, choose the island of Krk, where our apartments Markas are placed. We are confident that you will enjoy tasting golden drops of Krk olive oil.

The treasure of the Island of Krk

Olive oil is an essential offer in all restaurants and taverns on the Island of Krk. It blends in perfectly with each bite of the traditional cuisine of Krk. You will be given the possibility to visit an olive oil refinery where you will be able to see the full process of making olive oil. At the end of your holiday, which you spent in our apartment, bring a bottle of olive oil with you, which is an ideal gift for your friends. Upon your return home from your holiday, whenever you taste the golden drops of Krk olive oil, you will relive all the beautiful moments which you experienced on the golden island of Krk. That little part of the golden liquid you brought to your home is the real treasure of the island.